
Apply For USQ Scholarships In Australia

Do you wish to study in Australia but the expenses are giving you sleepless nights? Ah, there is good news for you!

University of Southern Queensland (USQ) has quite a list of scholarships that would assist you in funding your study in Australia. You should not let go of that dream just yet! It is worth trying, at least, and this might be your lucky ticket to USQ. They have lined up those scholarships for you and you are just in the right place. No matter whether you’re a domestic or international student, a sportsman/woman or learner, you will find something to stick to in USQ.


In this article, we’re going to take you through everything you need to know about USQ scholarships, including what you may be entitled to, how you can get them, and more.

USQ Scholarships In Australia

One thing that must be mentioned about USQ is that it is not overtly sparing when it comes to providing students with assistance. Don’t miss the chance; they have got a vast array of scholarships on the table. Here are some of them:

  • Chancellor’s Excellence Scholarship: Well, here is the one that is considered to be huge, my friends. If you are among the high achievers, this scholarship could see you through your tuition fees without having to worry for a single cent. It is called a relief when one sheers off such responsibility from his/her shoulders.
  • Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship: Yet a great option for winners. It is not as comprehensive like the one offered by the Chancellor, but it puts a huge amount on the table when it comes to learning.
  • Executive Dean’s Scholarship: Every faculty at USQ has typically its own type of this scholarship. Secondly, it is good if you have your specific area of interest in mind since the available positions will define the type of degree you can pursue.
  • Indigenous Commonwealth Scholarship: USQ has a policy about the acknowledgement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and students of these backgrounds are welcome in the university. This scholarship entails both monetary support as well as extra student-services features.
  • USQ International Development Scholarship: Hi, international students! As you might have guessed, this one is made especially for you and helping you chase your Australian education dreams.
  • USQ Residential College Scholarship: Living on campus can indeed be fun and this makes this scholarship enabling clients pay for their accommodation.
  • USQ Sport Scholarship: Do you have any talents in sports? Culturally these are us and they want to cultivate them while you are studying at USQ. This scholarship targets students engaged in the following field in sports activity.
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How Do I Apply for a Scholarship at USQ?

Okay, I know that now you are interested in these scholarships, let me tell you how you can get one. However, there is no need for concern because it is not as complex as people believe it to be. Here is what you have to do:

  1. The first step is easy: Go online to the USQ Website. They have published a separate page for scholarships where they classify them for easy access.
  2. You get to spend ample time going through the available scholarships. Make sure to carefully study as many of the details below as possible and choose the ones that you find most preferable.
  3. After you have found your ideal match you need to click on the ‘Apply Now’ button. This link will lead you to the specific Online Application System of USQ where you can apply.
  4. Sign up for an account if you do not have it yet. Don’t worry – it is very easy and you will be able to do it for a shorter amount of time.
  5. Complete the application form. Make sure to be complete and truthful – you are now describing your great qualities!
  6. Please do not forget to upload any other documents that may be associated with this case. This might include certificates and transcripts, former employer/referencer letters or records of extra curricular activities, etc.
  7. Make sure you check everything that you have written before you press that submit button. You do not want to be told that you missed an opportunity because of a simple mistake like that.
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So, cross your fingers and wait for the good news!

What are the Eligibility Criteria for These Scholarships?

Now, I know you must be wondering – “Can I get these scholarships?” While the answer is unclear, there are few factors that come into the picture. Every scholarship is unique, but there are several factors that are typical for most of them:

  • Academic performance: There are many scholarships which seek to award students who have demonstrated good performance in their academic work. However you do not need to panic if you are not the brightest student – some scholarships do not require excellence in academic achievements.
  • Field of study: There are the general scholarships, course/subject specific scholarships, and scholarships for certain faculties.
  • Financial need: There is scholarships which are basically meant for students who might experience some relative financial difficulty in pursuing a university education.
  • Extracurricular activities: Extra-curricular activities such as leadership positions, volunteer services or other achievements in sports may be advantageous when applying for some scholarships.
  • Citizenship or residency status: Most of the mentioned above scholarships are for Australian citizens or permanent residents, but some are for the international students.

Can International Students Apply for USQ Scholarships?

Absolutely! International students are very welcome in USQ and to encourage their enrollment they have scholarships for them too. I mentioned the USQ International Development Scholarship earlier as an example. Most of the other scholarships mentioned above are also available to the international students.


But here’s a pro tip: It is always important to note the requirements that one must meet to participate in a particular program. Certain scholarships might have certain conditions concerning international students among which are the scores in English proficiency tests.

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What is the Application Deadline for These Scholarships?

Ah, the million-dollar question! (Or should I say, the scholarship-dollar question?) Well, here is what they are ready to offer – It is very important to understand that, depending on a particular scholarship, its deadline can differ. Some may run parallel with the start of the academic year while others may have a series of training at different instances of the year.

The best way to get the current information will be to visit the official website of the University of Southern Queensland USQ. They commonly indicate the date application for each scholarship is opened and closed.

But let me offer you some friendly advice – don’t procrastinate or wait till the very last day. Usually it takes a while to fill the scholarship applications, if additional documents or essays are required. The best advice is to apply early because it will allow you to have sufficient time while developing a good application.

Secondly, there are times when each scholarship is awarded on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. So the earlier you can get your application in, your odds might be better.


Well there you have it – your little guide in applying for the scholarship programs of USQ in Australia. Preparation may sound like a lot of effort, but you now know it is indeed worth the effort. Such scholarships could be your pathway to an excellent education in Australia and New Zealand. Well, I guess the question then is: what are you waiting for? So let’s start filling in those applications!

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